SIZE:About 2.13 Feet in length.per artificial wisteria with 5 branches,1 longer string 25.59”,2 shorter strings 21.65”,2 medium strings 23.62”.
You will net to "fluff" them a bit upon opening but really do look close to natural. And if the petal have a little dirty,pls use wet cloth to wipe.
INCLUDING: this is a 4 pack of 25.5 inch pieces wisteria flowers Vines.And natural-looking flowers, Full and soft petals,vivid realistic.
You can display it on walls, doors, swings, mirrors, or any location of your choice to appreciate the beauty of the artificial leaf vine. Ideal for wedding décor and tabletop setups, it’s also great for outdoor use.
Wisteria is a symbol of love and happiness.The stem-end has wire in it. When setting up the arbor, the wire was able to be bent to help stagger the flowers for a more 'realistic' look.